The School of
Global Citizenry

a program of Tumbuh Global, is an independent, CEU certified, global citizenship education (GCED) online school of lifelong learning for adults from religious, social, and civic backgrounds and a training center for new and emerging online educators.
the 2030 sustainable development goals

Our Commitment to the SDGs

Goal 4. Ensure Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and Promote Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All
4.7 By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.

Our Program Structure

Our global trainings, courses, and virtual retreats are ideal for graduate students, laity, nonprofit leaders, seminarians, and social and civic leaders seeking certified continuing education units (CEUs) or a relevant professional development certification. Others who benefit from our educational offerings include: chaplains, nurses, therapists, coaches, consultants, small group leaders, directors, parents, activists, and educators.

Embodied Curriculum

Our training, course, and virtual retreat curriculums are rooted in the lived experience of the instructors and each learner. All lessons and training materials are relevant, insightful, and applicable for everyday life in a global society.

Global Classrooms

Our learners come from every corner of the globe. We are intentional about ensuring that our classrooms represent as many different cultures, ethnicities, religions, perspectives, and continents as possible.

Quality Credentialing

We offer only CEU approved courses and certificates that meet The Diamond Standard™ for CEU Certification for adult learners. All trainings and courses (some retreats) are also adaptable for academic course credit.

Upcoming Scheduled Courses

Featured On-Demand Courses

Become CEU-Certified Today

The path to becoming a CEU-certified online instructor just became easier! Learn more about our annual certification that includes numbered certificates, digital badges, and receive an invitation to join our online community of practice with other CEU-certified educators. 

Featured Training Courses

active global Learners

countries represented

academic conversion rate

average course rating

Our CEU Certified Instructors

Globally-Oriented Leaders. Professionally Trained Educators. Holistically Embedded Practitioners.
       Rev. Dr. Jan Nolting Carter
Rev. Dr. Lindsay Andreolli-Comstock
           Mx. Kate Davoli, MDiv
             Rev. Bart Edwards
                    Aram Mitchell
        Elizabeth Philipose, Ph.D.
            Rev. Paul Rhebergen
         Natasha L. Robinson, J.D.
       Rev. Dr. Irie Lynne Session
               Dr. Joanne Spence
          Rev. Lisa Steele-Maley
         AnaYelsi Velasco-Sanchez
                  Rev. Craig Werth


Our courses and trainings are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, via internet-enabled devices in nearly every country in the world.


We applying adult learning theory to our use of technology to foster human connection and facilitate creative learning experiences.


Our courses and trainings meet pressing global needs with practical everyday solutions grounded in the lived experiences of both instructor and learner.

What Learners Are Saying

“[The Faith Matters Network Movement Chaplaincy Training Course] has solidified my calling and brought me closer connections with my ancestors as well as many living thought partners.”
Mickey Benson,
Hillel International Ezra Springboard Fellow at Binghamton University
"I recently accepted the position as Director of Graduate Programs of our department. This requires interacting with international graduate students. I feel that taking part in the [Certificate in Global Citizenship] course helped me better relate to them and the backgrounds from which they come."
Charles Peacock, Ph.D.
Director of Graduate Programs
North Carolina State University, 
Raleigh, North Carolina
"The succinct videos and written text [in the Certificate in Online Teaching course] were spot on. I felt like I was learning a lot without being overwhelmed or overcommitted to time."
Natasha L. Robinson, J.D.
Legaleaze Please, LLC
Founder and Owner
Chicago, Illinois

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